Una + Jack | Ceremony: La Valencia Hotel & Reception: Private Residence - La Jolla | Saturday, October 24th 2015 12:27 PM abbey actering, dj la jolla, dj san diego, glasz productions, hotel la valencia, la jolla wedding, petr trebin, stay glaszy, wedding dj 1 comment It was our great pleasure to be the entertainment for Jack and Una's wedding.The ceremony and brunch was held the Hotel La Valencia in La Jolla, and then a the celebration was at their private residence still in la Jolla. The wedding was orchestrated by Petr Trebin from the Abbey Catering Event Design. Share: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to Facebook
This place is gorgeous! I have also shortlisted some of the outdoor wedding venues NYC for my wedding day. These pictures are very nice and I must share these with my fiancé right away. I almost forgot about the photographer. It was nice coming across this post.